miércoles, 22 de agosto de 2018


     It is possible that you are here looking for this blog, because you are having troubles in your English learning process. Don´t worry, nobody said that it would be easy and if somebody did it it is because there are different lenarning processes.

Monotonous and uninteractive classes

     Having boring classes is one of the factors that can most affect the performance of a student to learn, regardless of the subject that is. Many people of all ages, put resistance to learn English, the clue is in finding strategies that can attract their attention and interest. 
One aspect that could help is to try to focus on the interests, tastes and experiences of the students, this with the aim of doing classes with various activities that will make students take more ownership of their space.

Definitely get to sit and listen to a class is not fun, if you are a student and do not feel comfortable, do not wait to let your teacher know, please think about what you would like to do to change the dynamics and propose it to your class. Take the initiative.


     Shyness is presented as a great barrier in learning English, I say this through my own experience. When I was starting to learn English in college, I felt terror of being wrong, I felt that if I spoke and went wrong, everyone would make fun of me. It took a long time for me to have confidence in myself and I had to fall to get up and say, yes I can!

Your process should not keep pace with the process of others, take your time and reflect on what you do. A good activity can be that you make a picture and identify your strengths and weaknesses, in this way you can see how with what you have you can build a better learning.

Your strengths are more and they will help you to trust in you, trust in what you are and little by little you will improve, you will see how in a while you will see the past and you will be proud of yourself.

It is normal to be shy and feel afraid to make mistakes, but to make mistakes is human beings.

Lack of constancy

     Students must understand that you do not learn from one day to the next and that without practice you do not advance. The key is not to study more, but to be more constant. To have in some way a routine of study and practice in which to be able to keep up to date what has been learned and to keep the mind fresh from the learning that is being acquired. Setting a schedule, objectives and plans are a key to incorporate the practice of a new language, and constant improvement.

Lack of motivation

     As we discussed earlier, there are several factors that make students not want to learn English, the lack of motivation has much to do with the type of classes that take place. The boring classes make students cling to the idea that learning English is boring and not worth it, so they will not try to learn at all.

If you know more possible difficulties when learning a new language, please let me know in the comments.😝

This post was based on some information taken from another blog and my own experience as student. 

10 comentarios:

  1. I caan notice that your intention with the blog is to encourage both teachers aand students to start learning English and preparing classes by avoiding how tedious and stressful it can be. It would be really nice if you relate this with your experience. I love it.

  2. Very useful information!
    Do you know something about treating anxiety in the classroom?

    1. In this moment I don't have information about anxiety, but I can include that topic in my following post. Thanks 😉

  3. It was very useful ! I find interesting the way you address teachers, even trainee teacher, as we are. This information, allows us to reflect on our teaching performance.

  4. I understood yuor text as a way to motivate teachers to prepare engaging and enjoyble classes for our students. I consider importaant to recognize all the aspects that interfere with the English learning process. Thanks for sharing your experiences and opinions towards the topic.

  5. It is great how your text takes me to those early moments when learning English. This is a nice 'memory pill' to remember our position as students and what motivated us to become teachers. Thanks!

    1. Thanks. I consider it is important to remember as teachers that once we were students.It can help to find the problems in the classroom and I also the possible solutions.😉

  6. As you will be talking about anxiety and how it affects the learning and the expressing process of the language. I consider pertinent contribute with a p phenomenon that is known as "over-arosal" which is the fear of not being mentally prepared to perform and speak, a fact that leads to struggle when speaking the language. West (2015). I consider prper ton theorize about whatthe main causes of learning English are and how the can be broken down phreaphs from the psicological point of veiw, maybe doing some interviwes to some people, doing a balance of the most remarkable causes and then, maybe you can give them a piece of advise from the theoretical point of view of how they can overcome this fear.

  7. Maybe it is not always easy to recognize the way through which we learn better and not always all teachers are willing to change certain practices. However, by recognizing which is the factor that most affects our learning process in English, it is easier to take the necessary measures to improve. It would be interesting, that you give us some recommendations as future teachers, to avoid falling into these mistakes. Thanks and successes.
