miércoles, 3 de octubre de 2018

Helping anxious kids

The last topic we were talking about was anxiety, in the video that I present you today you can find the opinions, comments and tips from the clinical psycologists Jo Ann Unger, Michele Warren and John Walker.  The experts tell us about how to identify an anxious kid, the different kinds of anxiety,the way in which we can help them in the process and also the effects in adulthood of not treating anxiety.
 It is impotant to say that parents are the most influential and important part to identify the problem and help the kids to solve it. The previous wiyhout forgeting that kids are great part of their time at school, so the teachers are also important in the process.
The video is very interesting and it would be useful for teaching practices and also for those who are parents.

I want you to see the video and come here to tell me experiences from your students or family. Maybe we can find some case to start helping.

1 comentario:

  1. What an interesting topic! Sometimes teachers take for granted the role that such states of mind play on the development of people, especially children. Some teachers are only concerned with the "cognitive" dimension of their students and they forget how such conditions as anxiety may have mostly negative effects on what the students do and learn. For example, one of my students usually gets so anxious when she has to speak to the whole group in French or even when she has to say a word in French: she is so shy and at the same time so anxious that she can barely use the language to communicate. This has hindered her from doing better, so, what I am doing is to talk to her and explain her how mistakes in a foreign language are not something bad. I also tell her that she can address her partners in French just whenever she feels ready, so instead of punishing her behavior, I try to understand her situation. Positive feedback is, then, required.
